Monthly Archives: January 2018

2017 Merry Christmas

Wasn’t I sitting here just the other day writing our year-end letter for 2016, sure seems like it. We made several long distance trips this year, most of them very quick trips over a long weekend to see family and friends. I guess those quick trips made the year seem to go by faster. Below are a few highlights of the year that we’d like to share. We wish you
a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018 filled with peace, joy and happiness.

Below are some photos (along with our 2017 Christmas card) showing a few of the highlights of our year.

2017 Atlantic beach
Helaina and Sheri had a one day trip to White Lake, NC with Sheri’s mom, grandma and Helaina’s friend McKayla. They also took the usual trip to Atlantic Beach, NC.
Mt Pleasant VBS
Helaina was a “teacher” at Vacation Bible School for the first time. She helped with crafts. And did face painting at the Fall Festival.
dan black garden
We had some success with our garden. Cucumbers did especially well this year. Along with the garden experience Dan managed to become a statistic by contracting Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, probably while pulling weeds in the garden.
Helaina turns 16
Helaina is a sophomore this year at North Pitt High School. In November she turned 16. Instead of the “Sweet 16” party she chose to go see a movie with friends.
County Line Gas Swap Meet
Dan helped host the County Line Gas Show in October. The turnout and weather was great. Be sure to mark your calendars to attend the show this coming October 26 & 27, 2018 in Zebulon, NC.

2017 Christmas Card
2017 Christmas card salutation